To join our program and get started, please complete the three fillable forms below and call ahead for an appointment at (650) 368-7732.
Form 1: Physician's Letter and Approval
Safety first! Review this approval form with your doctor and discuss your health condition(s), exercise goals, and other fitness motivations. We'll work with you to help you meet your doctor's requests.
Form 2: Registration Form
Fill out the simple registration form with your basic information and class selections you'd like to participate in; this allows us to plan our classes more efficiently. Payments for class fees can be paid for with a check payable to "APE" or with cash or a credit card. Scholarships are available for those who qualify..
Form 3: Student Data
In case of emergency or if special considerations are needed during class exercises, filling out a student data form is important. As with all other forms, your information is kept private and secure.